Monday, March 15, 2010

HELP! Benefits & Assistance Made Easy

If you need help getting by in these difficult financial times ...
You need to read... HELP! Benefits & Assistance Made Easy

If you are disabled, out of work, a senior, crime victim, veteran, or just going through
"bad times" ...
You need to read... HELP! Benefits & Assistance Made Easy

If you need affordable housing or help paying your mortgage; help paying your medical expenses; help paying utility bills, or feeding your family, free legal and tax assistance, or any assistance ...
You need to read... HELP! Benefits & Assistance Made Easy

If you've ever wanted to know about benefit programs and how to apply for them ...
You need to read... HELP! Benefits & Assistance Made Easy

If you want to learn how to get a free phone, computer, or to earn extra cash ...
You need to read... HELP! Benefits & Assistance Made Easy

Life isn’t easy, and this economy is making it harder for most. Though you were once successful, or at least making ends meet, it may now be a struggle to; to keep your home, to heat or light it, to eat, to cope with a medical need, disability, or age, just to survive.

Whatever your needs are, there is help, a benefit, an organization, a program...

Unfortunately, there is no magic genie. Luckily, there is an overwhelming abundance of Government programs, resources, organizations, and other forms of assistance available. Sorting through resources, programs and finding the help that is right for you can be a daunting task, and it takes time.

Time is precious when you are fighting for survival…of any kind.

HELP! Benefits & Assistance Made Easy is a blog connected to the print publication of the same name. Both are designed to shorten that time, to help direct you to benefits, programs or assistance you may not know are available, or understand how to acquire, or apply for.

The printed guide explains many programs and the steps you will need to take to apply for them, while also serving as a workbook with room for notes and phone numbers. Throughout the pages you will find information on many of the major benefit programs and other assistance available for many individual needs.

On this blog, HELP! Benefits & Assistance Made Easy
You can ask questions regarding benefits and assistance programs or organizations
Get tips on applying for benefits
Share your experiences with benefit programs
Share new programs or assistance available

read on ... and find the assistance you need!
Good Luck!
Email for information on obtaining a copy of the Print publications,
HELP! Benefits & Assistance Made Easy

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